About Us
The history of Boscombe Rotary and Inner Wheel Housing Association
In the mid to late sixties the members of both organisations took the audacious decision to raise funds to provide reasonably priced accommodation for the elderly and needy within the local community.
A small shop in Boscombe was acquired at a peppercorn rent.
On Monday 28th October 1968 Rotarian Michael Green, Bournemouth's youngest Mayor at that time, cut the ribbon and declared the Rotary Shop open. It was the second Charity Shop in Boscombe, the first being Oxfam.
Takings flourished and after two years the decision was taken to purchase the Northwick Hotel now Northwick House for £15,000. A further £28,000 was raised from donations, grants and loans to accommodate 20 residents and a warden.
At a later date Stourwood House was purchased for £21,000 and a further £18,000 spent to provide amenities for 13 residents and a warden.
The Housing Association (L1002)
registered 8th December 1975
Boscombe Rotary and Inner Wheel Housing Association Ltd
The Housing Association is wholly owned by the members of the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs of Boscombe and Southbourne.
The Association operates as a Not-For-Profit Registered Social Housing Landlord.
The members are responsible for the preparation of reports and financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
Compliance with the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. The Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and the Accounting Direction for Social Housing in England from April 2015
Homes and Communities Agency Registration Number L1002
Financial Conduct Authority Number 19342R
What is Rotary and Inner Wheel
We are global volunteer organisations whose members promote humanitarian service, and help build goodwill and peace. We are the worlds leading service organisation. Both Clubs meet on a regular basis to enjoy fellowship, plan and promote local projects which will benefit our communities, and discuss international issues such as natural disasters.
Rotary and Inner Wheel are non political and open to every race, culture, and creed.